The Weymouth Preservation Society is dedicated to preserving the history and enhancing the beauty of our historic Western Reserve village. We have restored the historic 1925 Weymouth School into a museum with exhibits of local history.



100 Years of the Weymouth School Building

Weymouth School Building: 1925-2025  

The Weymouth School building has been serving our community for 100 years!  Weymouth mason Earl Nichols did the brickwork and noted Cleveland architect Paul Cahill designed it.  Teachers Beulah Rockwood and Marjorie Dixon checking the progress.


Click this link to the greater Weymouth Residents in 1925

WPS Museum Exhibit

WPS Museum Exhibit

The WPS Museum is open by appointment.  

This year’s exhibit: Girls’ Toys 1820-1950’s.  Over 200 items from a private collection.


Spring Presentation and Dessert Sunday,  March 9th, 2025

Spring Presentation and Dessert Sunday: March 9th, 2025, 2pm

The Weymouth Preservation Society again welcomes Carol Starre-Kmiecik, this time as the remarkable Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and in 1937 disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. The “Queen of the Air” was author, nurse’s aide, fashion designer and icon, editor, mechanic and advocate for women’s rights.

Followed by a yummy dessert reception.

Tickets $30 by QR code or by sending a check. Do include your email or text.



Annual Plant Faire, Saturday, May 10, 2025, 10am-1pm

Annual Plant Faire: Saturday, May 10, 2025, 10am-1pm

Annuals, perennials, herbs, ground cover, vegetables, and gardening items for your spring planting.   Free to attend. Event, restrooms, and parking are adjacent and accessible.


Presentation: “41 Years at A.I. Root”, Sunday, June 22, 2025, 2pm

Presentation: “41 Years at A.I. Root”, Sunday, June 22, 2025, 2pm

Jane Cole worked at the Root Company from 1869 to 1911.  Her great grand-nephew Will Foote will present stories and photos of her life and times in Medina and at Root.


Followed by light refreshments.  Tickets $20 by check or QR Code.

Community Potluck Supper, August 9, 2025, 6pm

Community Potluck Supper, August 9, 2025, 6pm

Everyone whose heart is in the greater Weymouth community is welcome to come and visit with friends and neighbors. We will provide plates, silverware, tables, coffee, tea and water. BYO beer or wine. Please bring an entrée, side dish, salad or dessert to share.  Free to attend.  Event, restrooms, and parking are adjacent and accessible.

Weymouth Day: Saturday, September 13, 2025   10am-2pm

Weymouth Day:  Saturday, September 13, 2025   10am-2pm

A tradition now spanning over 50 years!  Check out our WPS Museum, learn from historic displays, play vintage children’s outdoor games, and enjoy live music, crafters, snacks, demonstrations, lunch, root beer floats, and lawn sales at local residences.  Free to attend. Event, restrooms, and parking are adjacent and accessible.  Free booth spaces are available.  Free booth spaces are available.


Holiday Luncheon: Christmas in NE Ohio: December 6, 2025,  12pm-2pm

 Holiday Luncheon: Christmas in NE Ohio:  December 6, 2025, 12pm-2pm

The Western Reserve Historical Society will present Christmas in Northeast Ohio: holiday traditions from the settlers’ customs to Mr. Jingaling and our department store palaces.  Lunch served.  $35 by check to the WPS or QR code.  Please provide contact information and with whom you would like to be seated.  Event, parking and restrooms are accessible.   



Historic Weymouth Cemetery: Open Daily Dawn to Dusk

Historic Weymouth Cemetery: Open Daily Dawn to Dusk

The cemetery, located on Remsen Road across from the WPS, has 277 historic graves. There are self-guiding brochures at the entrance. Free parking at the school. The graves include soldiers from the War of 1812, the township’s first schoolteacher Eliza Northrop, and other interesting people.

Little Free Library

Little Free Library

“Take a book, leave a book”. Stop by our Little Free Library at the school. Grab a book and “read, rest, reflect and relax” on the bench.  There is even a leash hook for your pup!


Historic House Plaques

Historic House Plaques

The WPS offers house plaques for houses in the township.  They are 9″ x 15″, solid aluminum, with our pinecone logo.  The plaques cost $90 each ($80 for WPS members).  The WPS will underwrite half of the cost for buildings over 100 years old.  The WPS will provide the date of the building and its original owner, and all available  history and photos of the building and its residents over the years, which we will research for you.

Please Support the WPS!

We welcome your participation in our events and activities. Please provide your email address or phone if you’d like to be on our mailing list.

Individual: $15

Family: $25

Sponsor: $50

Benefactor: $100

If you have any photographs, artifacts or information to share, your items would be most welcome. We’ll take good care of them, or scan and return them.

New “Weymouth, Ohio” tee shirts are available from small to XXL Adult sizes.  $20 by check or use the QR code.

WPS Leadership

WPS Leadership

  • President and Curator: Susan McKiernan
  • Secretary and Artist: Janet Baran
  • Treasurer: Richard Clark
  • Historian: Scott Benson
  • Trustee: Judy Sutherland
  • Trustee: Lila Lehrer
  • Trustee: Cindi Hagerman
  • Trustee: Lynda Purser
  • Associate Trustee: Nancy Scholz

Volunteers are always welcome!

Local History

Local History 

We have accessioned over 1000 items and photographs relating to our history. Your donations are welcome and will be well documented and cared for.  This “walking” spinning wheel was owned by the Blakslee family, pioneers to Weymouth in 1817.

 Lost Medina Places

Take a look in this document to see if you now live in a “Lost” Medina Place.




Cook Road Bridges

Have you ever driven over the Rocky River on Cook Road?  We now have a brief history of the bridges from Cook Road.  Check it out!



Medina Count ’49ers

The WPS has discovered that 27 early Medina County residents braved the arduous trek west to California to discover gold and make their fortunes.  Take a look at this document to learn more!


Weymouth Mural Restoration

Weymouth Mural Restoration

In the summer of 1968, the owner of the Weymouth gas station, Zed Davis, paid Craig Staufer $200 to paint a mural of historic Weymouth on the wall behind the bar. Craig was only 16 but already well known for his artistic abilities. Craig talked to some of the older village residents and did lots of his own research to come up with how the village may have looked in 1856. Over the years time took its toll on the mural. The current owners, Rob and Marlene Shurell, (at left) looked for years to find someone to restore the mural. Janet Baran, new to Medina but a life-long professional artist with ties to Weymouth’s Lathrop Seymour, answered the call. Thanks to Rob, Marlene, Craig and Janet for bringing this beautiful and historic mural to life.   The Methodist Episcopal Church (1845-1906) above Marlene’s head was totally missing.

Weymouth Church Restoration

Weymouth Church Restoration

 We have spent five summers restoring the original 1835 church windows, front doors, and cupola and built, painted and installed new cedar storm windows.  The columns will be restored this year.  This important building, the oldest church in Medina County, is listed on the Historical American Buildings Survey.


Wells Cottage Restoration

Wells Cottage Restoration

We have replaced the roof, rebuilt and painted the shutters and trim, removed decades of paint from the exterior of this derelict 1872 Victorian cottage and repainted it.  Saved from demolition, it serves a new purpose in the community.


Weymouth Abolitionists

Weymouth Abolitionists 

The WPS was awarded an Ohio Historic Marker for the Weymouth Church. It was built in 1835 as the First Congregational Society and served until 1920 when it became the Weymouth Community Church. Our 49-page application was also awarded a grant to cover the nearly $3500 cost. The church building is important because the facade, though sided, is a nearly original example of the Greek Revival architectural style. Also, it is the oldest church building in Medina County and one of the oldest in Ohio, and it had a strong presence in the anti-slavery movement. In 1848, the congregation drafted 14 resolutions against slavery that they expected the Northeast Ohio presbytery to adopt. When they were refused, they withdrew and joined the Oberlin presbytery. The most famous abolitionist of the day, William Lloyd Garrison spoke at the church in 1853.

Where Exactly is Weymouth?

Where Exactly Is Weymouth?

A question that we hear often! The original area of Weymouth was the entire township, into what is now Medina City, and into Granger, Brunswick and Hinckley Townships. Weymouth had the only post office, “high school” (to 8th grade), stores, and churches in that entire area. People got their mail addressed as “Weymouth, Granger Township, Medina county, Ohio”. Other small neighborhoods in the Township were Hamilton’s Corners (one-room schoolhouse and cemetery), Fenn’s Corners (schoolhouse), Windfall (schoolhouse and cemetery), Bagdad, Northropville (schoolhouse and private family cemetery), and Medina Center (schoolhouse, cemetery and township hall). Weymouth had a post office from the 1820s to 1906.

Van Deusen Diaries

Van Deusen Diaries

Follow this link below to the diaries of Newman L. Van Deusen (1847-1930) that span 67 years of his life! Van Deusen lived in nearby Hinckley, Ohio, and wrote in his diary every day from 1863 to 1929. These notes were transcribed from over 24,000 pages in the original journals, now housed at the Hinckley Historical Society. His writings are valuable in understanding the incredible changes that took place during his lifetime, right in our own local area.

Van Deusen Diaries 1847-1930

Weymouth School Teachers

Weymouth School Teachers

The township’s first school was a log church built on March 11, 1817. Eliza Northrop was the first teacher. Other Weymouth one-room schoolhouses were built in 1829 and 1840. In 1872 the Weymouth Sons of Temperance Hall was purchased by the school and a “high school” (to 8th grade) was added. In 1925 the village residents built a two-classroom brick school designed by noted Cleveland architect Paul Tressler Cahill. That school served until 1956. Of five schoolhouses from 1817-1956, four still stand. Follow this link to information about the teachers.

Weymouth School Teachers 1817-1956 VOLUME I

Weymouth School Teachers 1817-1956 VOLUME II

Weymouth Doctors

Weymouth Doctors 1829-1937

Here is a link to doctors who practiced in Weymouth from 1829 to 1937. Their biographies show the interesting careers that the doctors had in Weymouth and beyond. Dr Frank Young was our well-loved doctor from 1870 to 1895. He served as a surgeon in the Civil War and had a “cabinet of curiositie,” a collection of interesting and rare animals, birds and minerals.

Doctors of Weymouth 1826 to 1937

Early Aviation in Medina

Early Aviation in Medina

Take a trip back in time and see how Medina played an important role in early aviation.

Early Flight in Medina

Weymouth Walking Tour

Weymouth Walking Tour

Weymouth Walking tour maps are available at the cemetery.  Matted prints designed by Janet Baran are available for $20.